SEM Strategy: Best Practices and Knowing What to Avoid

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Search engine marketing is a good strategy to spread your network and get more leads for your business. Even though it isn’t extremely complicated, there are still best practices that need to be followed if you want to maximize results.

Best SEM Practices to Follow

SEM services cover an expansive range of executions, so make sure you follow these.

1 – Do Keyword Research

It’s vital to do your research to narrow down what keywords you are going to use for your campaign. While your main keyword will be your focus, it’s still best to optimize all of your other keywords so that you rank for additional searches.

You want to get keywords that are relevant to your services, fit your objectives, and that you can feasibly rank for. Finding the right keywords will help you streamline your content and get more high-quality leads.

2 – Check Your Google Quality Score

Ad ranking is significantly affected by the Quality Score established by Google AdWords. A higher score means that you are hitting the queries searched by users online. This means that any ad positioning you get will cost less because Google prefers useful content.

3 – Monitor Actively

You can monitor your SEM strategy by looking at your keyword rankings, tracking your traffic, and reviewing your budget and ROI. Tracking your progress will help you optimize your campaign and make things better for your business.

4 – Focus on Local SEO and PPC

Optimizing your SEM strategy will help you improve your local SEO and organic results. What you want to do is put more focus on local geo-tracking so that you can get more relevant traffic from leads that can actually convert based on proximity.

5 – Create Consistent and Useful Content

Useful content is imperative for your SEM campaign. The content you produce needs to be relevant to what you are offering and get the user to your website. More than just the algorithm of search engines, you want to cater to your audience.

This makes them more likely to rely on your content and services and, in turn, shows search engine AI that your site is worth ranking up.

What to Avoid

If you don’t want to bog down the SEM services you are using, then there are a few common mistakes that you should steer clear of.

1 – Skipping Ad Extensions

You can find several extensions to integrate into your ads and your landing page. Some of the extensions you can use include site links, callout extensions, location extensions, and many more. Don’t get fooled by the term “extensions” and think these are optional. Your ads need those essential details.

2 – Not Optimizing Landing Pages

Work closely with your SEM agency, especially your content writer, to ensure that all of your landing pages are relevant and optimized for conversion. That page is where your visitor ultimately decides whether or not to make that purchase.

No matter how much your ad says it’s a good offer, it will not do anything for your conversion rates if the landing page does not deliver what is promised.


SEM services are an essential component of your digital marketing strategy. Utilizing an effective strategy can help you reach your target audience, specifically your ideal customers. Keep these best practices in mind as you work with professionals to help grow your business.

Connect with Revworks Digital Marketing for SEM services in Cincinnati. We are an inbound digital marketing agency that cares about your business as much as you. Contact us today!