Improving Your Search Engine Marketing with Keyword Strategy

woman working

The ideal keyword approach can catapult your company to the top of a search engine results page, bringing in more customers than ever before (SERP).

Customers will be more likely to visit your website if search engines recommend it favorably. The truth is that organic search accounts for 53% of all website traffic, and paid search engine ads account for 15% more. Therefore, it’s no surprise that companies are always vying for prime real estate on the front page.

But remember that not every visitor will be a good fit for your business. For example, having the most Googled results for “doggie daycare” is not a good thing for daycare centers as a whole. A lack of success with search engine optimization (SEO) for your small business could be due to the lack of focus on the right keywords.

With the right keywords, your search engine marketing can surge, leading to sustainable growth for your company. Learn the fundamentals of keyword strategy and how to create your own in this detailed guide.

First of All, What Is a Keyword Strategy?

A keyword strategy can help you zero in on the most effective terms to target when you want to improve your company’s search engine rankings.

Using the results of keyword research, you can compile a list of keywords to aim for (based on monthly search volume and relevance), and your strategy can then prioritize the proper keywords to assist your company’s website in rising to the top of search engine results.

To succeed with a keyword strategy, you need to be able to explain the reasoning behind each and every one of your targeted choices. The goal keyword categories or subjects, as well as the criteria for determining whether or not a keyword is worthwhile, should be laid out in your plan.

You may improve your content marketing with the help of the plan you’ve made, which includes a more targeted approach to keyword research. Incorporating a keyword strategy into your business plan will help you attract more customers who are most likely to purchase from your company.

Making the Most of Your Keyword Strategy

1. Optimize Your Web Copy

One of the oldest SEO strategies is strategically placing keywords throughout your website’s material to signal to search engines which queries you want to rank for.

However, obtaining a lot of organic traffic to your business can be challenging if you prioritize broad terms like “facial” or “Swedish massage” for a spa. These types of short-tail keywords (sometimes consisting of only two phrases) tend to be quite competitive, with established brands typically taking the top ranks in search engine results pages.

For the most success, your firm should focus on less obvious keyword terms, such as those that have low competition and steady search volumes. Focusing on certain keyword categories instead of quickly scanning through popular search terms will help you find a wealth of highly relevant long-tail keywords for which you may easily rank.

2. Create Efficient Content

Your blog entries will naturally fit into those categories, as your target keywords will all fall inside a set of basic topics. This can help you become an industry leader with high search engine rankings for your target keywords and great visibility throughout the client journey.

Using a keyword strategy also forces you to think about who you’re writing for before you begin the process of actually writing anything. In the course of your keyword research, your strategy will lead you to investigate search intent (the reason users made the search). The more you understand about the questions shoppers have, the better you can tailor your replies to them.

3. Fine-Tune Your Ad-Targeting

Paid search, not just organic SEO, can benefit greatly from carefully crafted keyword strategy. Keep your keyword strategy in mind to ensure your target terms coincide with your goals when running online advertising. You won’t feel as pressured to go after high-volume, irrelevant keywords because they’re cheaper.

4. Define Your Ideal Client Profile

Selecting new keywords to adopt is an important element of establishing a keyword strategy, and knowing your target market (including what they are searching for) is crucial.

Discovering the motivations behind people’s searches for your industry might shed light on their wants, needs, and habits. Your client personas, in-depth profiles that define the traits that impact your consumers’ behavior, can be updated to reflect this newfound understanding.


Improving your search engine marketing with keyword strategy can be a very effective way to improve your website’s visibility and attract more visitors. However, it is important to choose the right keywords and use them in the right way in order to achieve the best results.

By using the tips in this article, you can create a successful keyword strategy that will help you to reach your target audience and to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

If you are looking for a marketing agency that specializes in search engine marketing in Cincinnati, OH, look no further than our expertise here at Revworx Digital Marketing. We are a Cincinnati-based inbound digital marketing agency that offers a wide range of services that will allow your company to gain significant traction online. Call us today, and let us help boost your online presence in no time!